Achieving Life Success Tips
Every human being longing for a successful life. Settle down will not come suddenly. But, through a long process as an effort to achieve better standards of life and are able to create an atmosphere of peace, calm, happy, dismissed the turmoil, and bad shadows in life.
Islam has provided guidance in the pursuit of life success. First, with faith and good works. Allah says, Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female in a state of faith, verily to him will We give a good life and indeed will we give reward them with a better reward than what they have done. (Surat An-Nahl [16]: 97).
Second, the pleasure of God's destiny. Success can be achieved by those who believe in Allah SWT. Meanwhile, believes the provision and power (qadha and Qadr) God is part of faith in Him. And the pleasure it is part of faith in qadha and His Qadr.
Therefore, humans must be careful of fancy cradle and the negative impact. And, when he lamented in his terms, would be damned. Prophet Muhammad, Allah says: 'Anyone who is not pleased with my qadha and Qadr and impatient with the disaster that I inflicted upon it, he should find god besides Me. (HR Thabrani).
Third, tawakal to Allah SWT. Thus, a believer should not be lulled by all sorts of wishful thinking and the blandishments of the world. He must believe in Allah Almighty and His gift of hope. And anyone who put their trust in Allah Allah will suffice (needs) it. (Surat At-THALAQ [65]: 3).
Fourth, always remember Allah SWT. Those who always remember Allah, his heart will feel peaceful, and more than that his life would be better, as well as unrest and turbulence in his heart will terempaskan because of the divine light. (Namely) those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, only the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. Those who believe and work righteousness, for them happiness and a good place again. (Surah Ar-Ra'du [13]: 28-29).
Fifth, planning ahead. Namely, by giving attention to work today and not drag on the complaints by the fact of the past. Therefore, the Prophet always begged the protection of the nature of complaints.
O my Lord, verily I seek refuge in You from the complains and complains, I seek refuge in You from the nature of the helpless and lazy. I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness, and I seek refuge in You from the enormous debt and the oppression of others. (Bukhari).
Every Muslim who wanted to live successful, it should always instill a successful paradigm of thinking so that they can achieve success in the world and the hereafter. Amen. Wa Allah knows best.