Blessed 'If You Called Crazy

Should not be angry if all of a sudden you are called crazy. Between madness and genius, was thin limit. Not believe? Look at the findings of scientific studies center based in Stockholm, Sweden, the Karolinska Institute. Report on the results of a study 'equate' the genius and the insane are, among others, the page displayed by the scientific journal of The Local.

In this report argued that in many ways, the work of a genius brain has similarities to the brains of mentally ill people or people with scizofrenia. "We've studied the human brain and one type of receptor called dopamine. Here we see the dopamine system is a very creative person, together with dopamine scizofrenia patients," said Dr. Fredrick Ullen, researcher who led the study.

This study, he said, is proof that there are no clear boundaries between the human genius and a madman. The only thing that clearly distinguishes between the two, he said, is creativity.

While the prominent similarities between the brains of people crazy and a genius dalah they both have low ability in filtering the information it receives. Under these conditions, Ullen said, opening a huge opportunity for the emergence of creative ideas.

The number of incoming information without going through screening, judged, potentially creating new logics that are difficult raised by the human brain in general. "Thinking outside the box, it could be happening because of the ability of the brain that is not intact," added Ullen as quoted by The Local. So, if you are called crazy, it could be true of human genius you know ...

In the example in everyday language when someone has advantages over the other, suddenly able to walk on water or fly, it is said: "This crazy man".

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