Making the Islamic Calendar For Unifying People
Making the Islamic Calendar For Unifying People, Can?
Determination of the start of Ramadan polemic differences that often occur between a number of Islamic organizations in Astronomy, Astrophysics Research, LAPAN, Thomas Djamaluddin new moon occurs in the absence of clear guidelines. In confirmation hearings early last Ramadan, Djamaluddin requested the Ministry of Religious Affairs to facilitate dialogue in order to get the Islamic antarormas kesepatkan prihal hilal criteria.
According Djamaluddin, consensus criteria for the new moon is not only aimed to determine the day of Islam only. More than that, he sees a greater goal, namely to the Islamic calendar that unites the people. Here are his thoughts on unifying the people of the Islamic calendar,
An established calendar system requires three things:
There is a limit keberlakukan area (national or global).
There is a single authority to set one up.
There are agreed criteria
Currently the first and second terms in general has been reached. Limits the jurisdiction of Indonesia has been agreed by the majority of Indonesian Muslims, although there are some who want global regions. Minister of Religion in general could be accepted as the sole authority to establish the Islamic calendar Indonesia is equipped with a mechanism for setting the trial ithbat start of Ramadan and the feast. Unfortunately, the third requirement has not been achieved. Currently each of the Islamic organizations still have their own criteria, although currently there is a spirit began to look for common ground.
If the criteria that currently applies (wujudul moon and the height minmal 2 degrees) remains a reference CBOs Islamic organizations, the potential difference will continue to happen in the coming years:
Eid al-Adha 1431/2010 could potentially occur due to differences in height in only about 1.7 degrees.
Idul Fitri 1432/2011 potential difference occurs because the higher the moon is only about 2 degrees.
Beginning of Ramadan 1433/2012 and 1434/2013 could potentially occur due to differences in height in only about 2 degrees and 0.7 degrees.
Beginning of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1434/2014 could potentially occur due to differences in height in only about 0.8 degrees.
Now it's time we all try to be open and established the Islamic calendar and unite the ummah. Indonesia Hisab Rukyat new criteria need to be proposed based on data rukyat Indonesia supported by the international astronomical criteria based on consideration of the major confounding factor is the contrast of light around the sun and the light above the horizon at dusk. The proposed new criteria is fairly simple and are as follows:
Moon-sun distance and height difference 6.4 degrees moon-sun 4 degrees
With the following provisions:
If there rukyat dubious testimony, under kritria, then the testimony should be rejected.
If there is a convincing testimony rukyat (more than one place and there are no objects that interfere with existing footage or image), then the testimony must be accepted and become material for the correct criteria rukyat new reckoning.
If there is no testimony rukyatul moon because cloudy, when the moon meets the criteria, then the data can be used as a basis for decision making, because the criteria have been based on the computation rukyat rukyat previous data (means not ignoring rukyat).